Each person is unique, there are no two people who are the same and that’s always been said. However what does that really mean, it means that no one can replace you as a person. No one else speaks the same way you do, they do not care about friends like you do, they have not had to learn the same way you have about things. Everyone learns differently, everyone speaks differently, walks differently, they even show their love in different ways.
The hard part is some people are unable to express their feelings at all. They may say I love you however do not say it continually, everyone is brought up differently and learn things from that young age of childhood. Some people reach a point where they have to make a choice either the healthy lifestyle or letting their health become worse. For some people they get this wake up call at a young age others do not, regardless of weather you get a wake up call or not you are the only person who is the same as you are.
In 2006 I got my wake up call, I had been unwell for ages now it was at the stage where I had to say ok I am going to take care of myself and not put up with the diet which my family eats. I had to make that choice or I may not be here now. It was a hard choice yet sometimes it has to be done, I have watched members of my family let their health decline owing to weight or other issues. Now as I was saying each of us is different and unique in so many ways. You have to love who you are as a person work on finding that person who may have been trapped inside because of years of oppression or being told this is what you have to do.
When you stop listening to others and switch off from others programing you start to see the real you coming out. Life becomes more enjoyable and you have some real great times, I have had some amazing experiences owing to becoming a better person. The best way to switch off from the chatter and not listen to that programming which others have given you is to do a 30 day mental cleanse and to program your own mind with positive rather than negative.
You can find out more about the 30 day mental cleanse via www.30daycleanse.com
If you have any questions just contact or email me.
If you want to learn more about relationships http://bdrake.successin10steps.com/?mad=52669 some of the information is available from this eBook.
Be a mentor with a servants heart Ben Drake