What is your passion in life


Each person has something in their lives which they are passionate about it can be anything from helping people in their time of need whether it’s being there and saving their lives or assisting them when they are injured or hurt. It may be family, it may be friends, it may be one person, there are so many things which a person can be passionate about. What you need to do is find out what you are passionate about and use that in your every day work life.

If it’s helping people then find a way to help people daily and regularly, if it’s writing find a way to write daily, if it’s your family find a way to be around them daily, if it’s friends do stuff with them regularly. If it’s health well then concentrate on being healthy, each person is unique and often their is one thing which the person is passionate about as a person. Its the type of work that if they do such then they really love it and enjoy such. Some people love being involved in others lives others can not. There may be a number of things which you are passionate about however at least of them will be slightly above the rest.

The best thing is ask yourself what do I love doing. What do I enjoy the most? when you know these things you are on your way to discovering your own passion in life. Then what you need to do is think ok how can I use such in my every day life.

If you have any questions just contact or email me.

If you want to learn more about relationships http://bdrake.successin10steps.com/?mad=52669 some of the information is available from this eBook.

Be a mentor with a servants heart Ben Drake
