Listening why is this an important habit.


Listening is a habit that can sometimes be not used by some people, there are people who just have to talk right over others. These people love to hear their own voice and rarely keep quite, they can be loud and very pushy. Now they may not be easy people to get along with. So they really need to learn the art of being a good listener, not talking as soon as someone has finished talking and letting them gather their thoughts. Some people are uncomfortable with a 3 second silence, they do not realise that silence is golden at times. Sometimes it is needed so people can think, now when someone is constantly cutting you off before you finish saying what you have to it does not help as the person speaking loses their train of thought.

Its best to be considerate enough that you give the person speaking a good gap of at least 30 to 60 seconds and do not walk away from them. Do not pick up something else to do or cross your arms as this may mean that you are not listening to the person speaking. Crossing your arms or putting them on your hips can mean I am impatient and not caring what you have to say, it’s hard yes yet these things do help to have better conversations.

The best listeners are those who are comfortable with the gap in speaking if that is 3 minutes fine, sometimes I see such a gap in some conversations. However when someone comes to you looking for support, encouragement or advice and you immediately start cutting them off it says that you do not value them or consider what you have to say is more important then what they have to say. It can be very frustrating yes that people are not listening however it is something that needs to be learned.

How you speak to people shows ultimately how much you respect them or how much respect there is in that relationship as a person. Some people can say things in a joking way and know the person just happens to be joking with them. When others say such it’s not easy for the other person, sometimes it’s using the right words with people that does help you to communicate better with that person you are talking with.

If you have any questions just contact or email me.

If you want to learn more about relationships some of the information is available from this eBook.

Be a mentor with a servants heart Ben Drake
