Anger Management


Anger is a very powerful emotion it can be exceptionally destructive when it is built up. Anger is something that is an emotion, its a negative emotion not a positive. Now the thing is it can literally destroy friendships and love from others owing to being angry. It can be owing to emotions having been built up and not being able express yourself. One thing you need to do is start to realise when you are getting angry. A real challenge sometimes, at other times it may not be such a challenge. You have to become aware of what’s going on and that takes work time and patience, it may be stress or many things that have caused such.

Sometimes it’s because of what’s going on for someone that they are angry. There are many reasons for such, there are many things a person may do to help. However speaking with your own health care professional is best. Some people need to learn that their anger is a problem, others need to learn techniques or how to realise what’s gone on. It can be hard and take time, yet awareness is the best thing and working on ok why and ways to keep your anger under control.

The best thing with anger is to walk away when you are angry and work on calming down. Do not try and resolve something when you are angry.

If you have any questions just contact or email me.

If you want to learn more about relationships some of the information is available from this eBook.

Be a mentor with a servants heart Ben Drake
