Accepting yourself.


Being able to accept who you are is one the biggest things in life, everyone is made differently and others try and program us saying you should be doing this or saying no this is what you have to do. Each person has what they enjoy doing and why. For me personally I enjoy entertaining and being able to spend time with those who I love in my own environment, although at times it is what happens. As I have said a few times we all get programed by people around us. I know people who have told me to this because it’s the done thing. They do not care that I want to do things my way or the way I know how to do things.

You have to accept yourself who you are as a person, to the degree that you have to remember every single person is different. Some people like to eat healthy food, some people like to eat un healthy food, others enjoy a mixture of both. Some people like sports or enjoy going outdoors to do such others are content relaxing whist swimming or talking with people. Everyone is so different, there are people who try to force their opinions on you.

Accepting yourself is being happy with yourself as person, you need no one to validate who you are other then yourself. So what you have to do is say “I love myself” to yourself regularly and I do mean regularly. Can you say it to yourself, I could never do that. Because it was hard, it took time and work. These days I love myself, accepting yourself is about also accepting where you are in life and saying well I am not going to put myself down anymore. Unfortunately people may have made us feel bad at some point because of their own belief in themselves. So they tear others down, you need to find a way to distance yourself from those influences and say the good positive things to yourself.

Each person has a different idea of what they want from life and what their purpose is. Everyone is here for a reason, they just need to find it. When someone has been put down for years it is hard to find work, to be yourself and to love yourself. The main reason for this is because you do not feel able to express yourself, you may have been told shut up when talking, not allowed to express your opinion or otherwise. Its hard yes, these days I am learning more and more ways to remove those negative thoughts and reprogram my mind with positive thoughts. It will take work and time yet it’s what I have to do.

Accepting yourself is loving yourself with all your own faults and failings, knowing this is what you are to do and going ok. Do you know what your purpose is in life. It is ok to not know, yet when people do know it really does help them discover themselves better.

If you have any questions just contact or email me.

If you want to learn more about relationships some of the information is available from this eBook.

Be a mentor with a servants heart Ben Drake
