Weight management and Health

Weight management can be a hard thing for many people owing to a number of reasons. People may have issues owing to abuse, stress or otherwise which often affects their lives and their self esteem. The hard part is sometimes people do not realise what is going on, for me my stress reaction is looking for food. It is hard as sometimes I do not realise I am stressed for days until I am actually already doing the things that I used to do when stressed. That is making those bad choices for foods or simular.

Now in order to successfully maintain ones weight it means eating when you are hungry, also not stress eating. That is very hard, it’s about being aware of yourself and who you are as a person, not eating when stressed on angry for some reason. It’s recognising the signs of being under stress, there are also other reasons why people put on weight. A real big one is lack of physical activity, plainly the person is not getting enough physical exercise as a person. They are not burning up the calories and foods which they are eating during the day.

One way of dealing with this is reducing the size portions of meals, however also eating more protein rich foods and less of the bad foods (e.g. foods which have loads of fat and sugar in them), you can still eat those foods you love just cut back. Eat a smaller portion of the meat product and a larger salad and vegies then what you used to in the past. It means making a conscious choice, now that choice means deciding between healthy or unhealthy. Ok yes it good to have a snack from time to time, however what good is having a snack of bag of potato chips followed by a soft drink. For me I make the decision when I eat fast food and that’s very rarely these days.

I may say ok yes I am happy to have take away every 3 or 4 weeks. Rather then some people who have takeaway at least once a week. It’s making those better choices, health wise you will feel better when you your weight is under control. I know that was the case for myself, when I started being serious about my weight loss and getting it under control it gave me more mobility, I could move up and down the stairs faster where as I could not do such in the past after the 3rd dislocation of one of my knee caps. Also I was capable of standing for longer then 1 and 1/2 hours owing to pain in my back. These days standing for longer then 1 and 1/2 hours rarely causes any problems, I can also swim so much better then what I used to be able to do.

So much has changed and for me life is just so great, I really enjoy all the changes. Being able to do what I do and knowing that I have made the right choices in life. Everyone has different ways of controlling their health and weight, yet they often need to work out what is necessary to do such.

If you want to learn more about relationships http://bdrake.successin10steps.com/?mad=52669 some of the information is available from this eBook.

Be a mentor with a servants heart Ben Drake