Staying on course with goals and dreams

Staying on course for any goal or dream is never easy. I know that you need to have someone there for you constantly who is willing to support you through your own goals and dreams. I have included a couple of photos in todays blog, these photos are the result of me being determined to get my own health under control. Sure it’s rough at times however having a goal and a focus of what you are looking for or wanting is something that has to happen.

To learn just how I did get my weight under control just ask. I will be honest it took time and patience, the first photo is from October 2007 and the 2nd photo is August 2010. Now you can not achieve any goal with focusing on such and believing you are already in possession of that goal or dream. You do not lose weight overnight, you do not go from a double or triple xl to a small over night yet that is just part of my personal story. Without persistence you can not obtain that goal. Nothing in life is impossible it’s just people gave up trying, often unfortunately people will tend to give up just as the reward is about to come. It’s hard and rough at times you need to say lets do this, there are going to be people who say no you can not do such and will do everything to sabotage your best efforts. Really it’s about having someone else help you believe in yourself and believe in you being able to achieve that goal so that eventually what happens is you end up achieving that goal and believing in such yourself.

Remember a goal is something you have to have. It’s something that means a lot to you as a person; it may be that new car, that marriage, that baby, finding that right partner, finding that right house, a holiday, weight loss or health improvement as I was initially looking for when I first stated getting my own health under control I was not a well person when I first started in October 2007. Anyway as I was saying you need to focus and believe that you have that goal, know the goal is yours not let the negative talk get to you.

When I focused on getting my health under control it happened, when I focused on finding someone who I could get close to I found them, it took work and time. I have seen so many changes as the result of them in my life, they have been such a great friend to me. People may come and go from your own life, yet the real friends you can pick up where you left off and it’s like you were never apart. I saw that happen earlier this year and it was interesting, it happened with someone who I had a good friendship with yet had not seen in 3 years.

They were taken away from my life, they served their purpose, they started teaching me how to express myself and say look I am who I am and nothing is going to change that at all. I started to see the real me, then I met my good friend and they have taken it further then what it was.

Ben Drake Solo Herbalife Trainings 2010 053

If you want to learn more about relationships some of the information is available from this eBook.

Be a mentor with a servants heart