Persistence, determination and commitment

Persistence, determination and commitment these are 3 very strong emotions, they are essentially cousins however they are all needed to achieve anything life. Persistence is having the faith to continue with that goal, whist determination is saying I will get that goal and commitment is the same thing. It’s about knowing what you want and going for it.

Persistence is about knowing what you want and going for it no matter what, sticking with that goal through the rough times that’s where determination and commitment come in. Its about being determined to see something through to the end as well as being committed to that end.

Business Jim Rohn put this so well in relation to being determined to get your goal, it shows the art of persistence and commitment also. The quote is.

“When you find your mountain in life go for it, some people will say no that mountain is to high, too rocky or to steep, you are not good enough”. His response to this is “I am going to the top, you are either going to see me waving my flag from the top of that mountain or dead on the side as I am not coming back”.

We call all learn something from this, its saying once you have chosen your goal and dream go for it. There will be people out there who are going to say you can’t do such. Why do you not try this one or throw their negative rubbish at you. However the person who ultimately win’s is the person who picks himself up and dusts himself off in those rough times. He does not quit on his way to his goal, now sure there will be times when they say oh this is too tough. I am not good enough. It’s about working through those times and just going for it, continuing no matter what happens.

Sure the universe is going to test us to see how committed and persistent we are achieving that which we desire most. However when one is persistent, determined and committed and the universe knows that they are not giving up then that person receives that which they are asking for if they are prepared to pay the price which the universe does ask for achievement of that goal.

If you want to learn more about relationships some of the information is available from this eBook.

Be a mentor with a servants heart Ben Drake