Imagination Synthetic and Creative

Ok lets look at this portion of imagination, I wrote a quick post yesterday on creative imagination now I am going follow on from that.

So what are the two synthetic imagination is thinking inside the box drawing inside the lines and remaining within the confines of what you are told to do, it is thinking this is the only way things are really. Not thinking ok is there another option to such. Whilst creative imagination is thinking outside the box, drawing outside the lines. The people who are creative tend to show it yet may be shunned from showing such at some point either by family or otherwise. They can be people who have low self esteem owing to them having been ridiculed, abused or hurt for thinking outside the square. Their talents may not of been recognised or developed for a variety of reasons and they may be restless in work that does not allow for them to be creative. Schooling may be hard owing to them not being able to use those talents.

Now the people who tend to use synthetic imagination are the ones who do the jobs like engineering or accounting. Having to always have the information the facts, not thinking ok this is possible or what about such. Where as someone who is creative tends to have the artistic flare, they can write, decorate, paint, build, they are the ones who think outside the box. They are caring people who love those who are in their lives, they tend to be people who make the most difference in others lives. They care about their friends, their family and those people who are important to them so deeply. What this means is that these people need a way to be able to express themselves without feeling that they have to do what they are told no matter what.

There are unfortunately people who do not allow others to creatively express themselves, they are only concerned about thinking inside that square at what is possible and is known. These people are people who will push those creative and artistic people away as they do not understand thinking outside the box. The parents who shun this creative ability will tend to drive their children away owing to them needing a way to express themselves however they are not receiving such. What is best is for people to develop the are of both thinking inside and outside the box. Sometimes it takes work, other times it does not. Yet when a person is continually put down by others for being creative it chips away at their inner person their self esteem and they are made to feel small. So they walk away from those relationships and say no sorry I am not going to associate with you anymore. They may not even say what happened they just stop spending as much time with those people, weather it’s family or otherwise. They just do not spend that time with them, the people who have said no sorry I am not going to take this will start wondering oh what has happened yet they may never be told.

Think about it are you driving someone away or are you pulling someone closer to you?

If you have any questions just contact or email me.

If you want to learn more about relationships some of the information is available from this eBook.

Be a mentor with a servants heart Ben Drake