Helping people change their lives, ok so I am in the industry of relationships, yet essentially, I help people change their lives. I help people change their lives in many ways as bellow.
Helping people learn why they have not had the success they wanted in life
How to believe in themselves again – improving self worth and self esteem
How they can improve their health
How they can have better friendships and relationships with others
Helping people to find a business where they can work around their current commitments, which will allow them to be able to do those things that, they want to achieve or do in life. If that’s travelling the world with those who mean the most to them then great, if it’s romancing a woman ok, spending more time with their kids, everyone has a different motivation as to what they want from life
Finding your why as to what you really are meant to be doing in life or what makes a person a great person
Helping people to improve their current financial situation
Essentially I am happy to help anyone who is willing, teachable and coachable. They want to learn how to become better and improve their lives, essentially it is not easy to help someone change or improve their life if they are not each of the 3 willing, teachable and coachable. People may say I am teachable and coachable yet their actions suggest they are not. One thing I learnt is you can usually tell how committed and coachable a person is quite quickly by their actions. If they say they will do something and it great, if they say and it never gets done it shows where their priorities are as a person.
If you want to change your life then you need to be willing to make that change.
If you want to learn more about relationships http://bdrake.successin10steps.com/?mad=52669 some of the information is available from this eBook.
Be a mentor with a servants heart Ben Drake