Goals and Dreams checking your course


People get taken off course from their dreams or goals by a variety of different things. The main way that a person can be taken away from what they want is from their influences e.g. family, friends or otherwise. A saying that really touches me is from Jim Rohn it says

When you find your mountain in life go for it. Some people will say no that mountain is to high, it’s too steep, you are not good enough to do that, you can not do that. Jim’s reply is I am going to the top, you are either going to see me waving my flag from the top of the mountain or dead on the side because I am not coming back.

What does this mean is that when you find the goal or dream you are aiming for which is your metaphorical mountain there will be people saying to you you are not prepared to climb that mountain, it’s too hard, too rough, too steep. Now they will be trying their hardest to say go for this one it’s easier and better, however for that person who has set the goal of such it is their goal and dream no one else’s. What you need to do is have in your mind what you want, write down the goals with why you want such, how it looks, feels and is, what you are prepared to give up in order to achieve that goal. As they say in life you do not get something for nothing.

Now once this is done you need to have a way of knowing you are on course for your goal, there are plenty of ways to make sure you are on course. For example a relationship goal the simple fact that the person is still around suggests that you have done nothing to offend them, it also says that the person values your friendship, they value you when you are communicating regularly. Each goal has a number of action steps that need to be taken before you can proceed to that next step, it can be hard or easy for some people they are a great challenge.

It depends on the goal as to what you need to learn, someone who has had few friendships or not had good quality friendships needs to learn about relationship skills to develop those better quality friends. They also need to develop confidence within themselves, a long term relationship goal may mean the person needs to learn to be able to connect with the person but also many other things, like how to make their partner feel loved and supported.

Every person comes with a different learning curve, I know mine was a hard one only because of the limited number of friendships I had. I needed to develop confidence and love for myself, yet also learn about myself to find those friends. Sometimes you can tell you are hitting the goal right on every single time with just a word or action, other times it’s not easy to tell you are on track however often there will be some form of indicator which shows you are on course heading for that goal. When you do know you are off course the best thing to do is figure out where you are on that road map or plan and reset your course.

That means working towards establishing the goal dream and working towards making sure you put your energy into doing such. When I concentrated on finding a best friend who could be more with time I found that. It’s about working towards your goal and doing the leg work to achieve it, sometimes you need to make a lot or a few changes.

If you want to learn more about relationships http://bdrake.successin10steps.com/?mad=52669 some of the information is available from this eBook.

Be a mentor with a servants heart Ben Drake
