Following a recipe


No I am not talking about cooking in this post. I am talking about following a system, following a tested system which is proven to work for others and not making any changes to that system.

Every business has a system and a way of doing things, we all develop that system through our training and habits. Some are complex that no one can even duplicate or replicate what we are doing others are simple that even a 2 year old may be able to do such. When you decided to change things is it for the best or is it because you want to, when you use a proven system and do what they do it’s how you get the best results; however when you tend to deviate from such then you may no longer get the results you are looking for or none at all. Other times when you are following the system your results may be small yet in the end the pay off is larger.

The question is asked would you use motor oil if you had no cooking oil in a cake recipe? I know would not like to motor oil as a cooking substitute although some people tend to think changing something will make all the difference to make that better or to get a better result from such. Sometimes yes tweaks will make it better and other times it can make things a lot worse. Sure it’s trial and error when their is no proven system, however with the proven system or something that works you do not need to change it. So why change it, unfortunately some people do devise systems or procedures which are so complex that they only understand such.

I am having to change some ways of doing things because of the complexity of what they were. Others are just perfect as they are. So what you need to do is make sure that the change is really necessary. If not then do not change it, is so then only make the changes needed. I spent years with a system that was to complex, now it’s easier and more workable. So make it easier for others rather than complex.

If you have any questions just contact or email me.

If you want to learn more about relationships some of the information is available from this eBook.

Be a mentor with a servants heart Ben Drake
