Faith it’s about believing in something so much that you will it into existence. How so if you mix desire and faith together you get a deadly mix, a person can have anything he wants if he wants it bad enough and also believe in it enough. The thing you need to remember is that when you stop dreaming and believing in things then you start going downhill, you stop succeeding. When you have enough faith that something is going to happen then it will no matter what you say or do. Sometimes you need to develop that faith and find out what you really want from life, what really makes you happy as a person. Then once you have such you need to develop the faith that it’s going to happen. You need to want it so bad and also see yourself in possession of the object which you desire. There are many good examples and books, however as I said before faith is believing in something so much that you naturally bring such into existence.
It’s about setting your goals and making sure you stay on course to achieve such no matter what, faith is knowing you will get to that goal if you persist with it for long enough. Just remember though sometimes there may be a small piece of doubt which is holding you back from having enough faith. Sometimes you need to learn or change enough to become the person worth the goal which you are working towards.
If you want to learn more about relationships some of the information is available from this eBook.
Be a mentor with a servants heart Ben Drake