Doubting yourself


There are many reasons why people do not succeed in any venture; weather it’s life, family, work, business or otherwise. A person does not achieve their goals or dreams owing to the fact that they doubt that they deserve what they are looking for. The hard part is remembering no matter what that you deserve such, sometimes it’s remembering those setbacks and there can be some very major setbacks and then picking yourself up and continuing on the journey. However when their is even a small doubt in your mind that you are going to achieve that goal then you do not achieve it. Sometimes you need to build yourself up and say ok this is what I want. Making sure that you find those people who are going to support you in that goal no matter what.

You often need the support of many others who believe in you enough until you can believe in obtaining that goal and that can be the hard thing. Others see it before you do at times, they can see you care for someone deeply, that you are excited about something, that it is what you want to be. Sometimes the greatest test is one of patience and knowing that no matter what it will happen. Sometimes you need to set that goal and forget such. I will use this as an example, I set a goal to go and see a soccer team, knowing no matter what I would. It kept on coming to my mind so it was a goal that I was meant to achieve. Now for me I had no idea how I was going to achieve this goal, yet I just let it happen.

Then a competition turned up, which I was listening to the start of a conference and they were talking about it I entered and was lucky to be one of those first 20 people and got tickets to go and see the sponsored soccer team locally. I see that as having set a goal and having no doubt within my mind that I would achieve such. That is what it’s about, knowing within yourself that it is going to happen no matter what may come your way. Yet when you do not believe such then it does not happen.

If you have any questions just contact or email me.

If you want to learn more about relationships some of the information is available from this eBook.

Be a mentor with a servants heart Ben Drake
