Being Creative

Each person has one of two personalities within them; there are those who think inside the box and colour as such inside the box and those who think outside the box. The people who think outside the box are those who have a creative streak inside them; they are creative people and use their talent and creative streak to their advantage. My creative point is my writing, I can write up a storm and I have seen it happen for years, I know people who are good a using other talents. Some are artists, some are good a decorating. People need to learn to use this creative streak and to take advantage of such, those who have such and are told no stay within the lines or do not do that will walk away from people who put them down or do not allow them any room to be creative. As when they are being shunned or told no do not do this it is saying to them I do not want you expressing yourself.

This can sometimes create real problems in a person’s life, each of us has to be able to use our creative streak or to find such.

If you have any questions just contact or email me.

If you want to learn more about relationships some of the information is available from this eBook.

Be a mentor with a servants heart Ben Drake