Making decisions with your Heart instead of your head.

The following is from Success in 10 steps by Michael Dlouhy on the power of emotional decisions and following your own heart. Being willing to use your heart and love for others rather than always making decisions with your head. Just use your own heart to guide you.

“Heart” Decisions vs. “Head” Decisions

“Heart” decisions run deeper & last longer than “head” decisions. Direct market- ing relationships based on money & product disappear when a competitor up- grades product or lowers price.

But network marketing habits based on higher motivations & emotional connec- tions are hard to break.

If you want to inspire people to learn, grow, develop, succeed, and be all they can be, we can help.

In the end, you must have or develop your own skills & knowledge. And no mat- ter what the future may bring for your company, so long as you gain relation- ship skills & knowledge, your income is more secure.

If you’ve started to build your web, and you’ve treated people right … then if something unexpected happens to ruin a business, your people will follow you to a new one.

THAT is security.

From Success in 10 Steps by Michael Dlouhy,

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