Are you secure in your current position

The following is from Success in 10 Steps by Michael Dlouhy, a wonderful portion on what may well happen in the near future. As Michael states, things change all the time, technology changes and less people are needed or there are less hours in the workplace.

The question asked by Michael is how would you cope in such a situation.
How would you cope with less hours?, How would you cope with no work?, how would you cope when you were too ill to work in the industry you once worked in?, how will you cope when you retire? So how predictable is your own future?

The Man Who Stared Down IBM

And I have to tell you, I’m concerned for your future. Consider this carefully:

Big companies eat small companies. High-paying US jobs go to India. Technolo- gies change overnight. Products come and go. Whole industries fade into histo- ry.

The Soviet Union – one of the world’s two superpowers just a few years ago has disappeared completely.

Not long ago, IBM was “Big Blue”, the ultimate American forward-thinking cor- poration, hundreds of thousands of employees, invincible. Today, one guy – Michael Dell – sells more personal computers than IBM.

Companies cut their benefits and your work-hours. HMOs change their terms of delivery. Social Security & Medicare are under enormous stress as the Baby Boomers begin to hit retirement age. Interest groups demand that government DO SOMETHING!

How predictable is YOUR future? What if you suddenly found yourself with no job, no income, a ton of bills, a family you couldn’t feed, the pressure mounting and your hope dwindling?

How would you and your family stand up to that?

Don’t say it can’t happen. It’s happened to countless others over the last 20 years.

And if it did happen, you know what Murphy’s Law says?

“Nothing is ever so bad it can’t get worse!”

From Success in 10 Steps by Michael Dlouhy,

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