Think and Grow Rich Lessons

  • The Champion Within Article – Beware of the Grinch by Denis Waitley

    The Champion Within Article Beware of the Grinch by Denis Waitley Now’s the time you should hear this! For very good reason!Now, please don’t ask why. It’s not simply the season.Sooner or later the Grinch will invite youTo give up your life’s goal as something you can’t do. It could be his head isn’t screwed…

  • Chapter 1: Introduction – Thoughts are things

    Chapter 1: Introduction – Thoughts are things The man who thought his way into partnership with Thomas A Edison Truly thoughts are things and very powerful things states Napoleon when they are mixed with a burning desire, definiteness of purpose, with persistence we can translate such into whatever form of riches we so desire. The…

  • “The moment you commit and quit holding back, all sorts of unforeseen incidents, meetings and material assistance, will rise up to help you. The simple act of commitment is a powerful magnet for help.”Napoleon Hill1883-1970, Author of Think And Grow Rich From Insight of the Day emails

  • Chapter 11: The mystery of sex transmutation. The tenth step towards riches.

    Chapter 11: The mystery of sex transmutation. The tenth step towards riches. After reading this chapter things are finally starting to make sense about life for myself. Having had no real motivating love behind me as a person then all have done is just survived as a person. There has been no motiving loving influence…

  • Chapter 10 The power of a mastermind The driving force The ninth step towards riches

    Chapter 10 The power of a mastermind The driving force The ninth step towards riches Within each of our lives we all have a mastermind group weather we realise or not. The thing is whether we like it or not we are using a mastermind group when two or more people meet it forms that…

  • Chapter 13: The Brain A Broadcasting and receiving station for thought. The twelfth step towards riches

    Personal Lesson Plan from Chapter 13 of Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill, Chapter 13: The Brain A Broadcasting and receiving station for thought. The twelfth step towards riches Our brain is very powerful, they pick up on the thoughts which have been released into the ether from other brains which we are in…

  • Here is your Friday story – Silent Christmas Angels

    Here is your Friday story, Silent Christmas Angels From the emails I have been receiving lately and my own observations out there in the world I would have to say that a lot of people are really going through some difficult times right now. The population is aging and this is impacting those who are…

  • “Do not wait; the time will never be ‘just right.’ Start where you stand, and work with whatever tools you may have at your command, and better tools will be found as you go along.”Napoleon Hill1883-1970, Author of Think and Grow Rich

  • Einstein’s Ability to Risk and Willingness to Be Wrong by Ron White

    Einstein’s Ability to Risk and Willingness to Be Wrong by Ron White The early life of Einstein gives us some clues to the great man he would become. He was never one to dominate conversation to prove his intellect. Even as a child he didn’t talk much. It has been said that he didn’t talk…

  • Chapter 9 Persistence – Lesson

    Chapter 9 Persistence The sustained effort necessary to induce faith. The eighth step towards riches. Persistence is being dedicated to a goal or dream no matter what whether it has to do with life, business, relationships, love or simular. Napoleon starts off by saying that persistence is needed within any calling or task should that…