How to get young people to join your business.

A quick but great tip from Tom Big Al from his weekly newsletter. How to get young people to join your business.Would you like some new, young, energetic people to join your network marketing business? Don’t have any? Maybe we are saying the wrong thing. Instead of talking about long-term residual income and retirement, try […]

Why distributors shouldn’t talk to cold prospects.

From Tom Big Al’s weekly newsletter. Wow a great training. Why distributors shouldn’t talk to cold prospects.Mike Miller and I had dinner this week, and our conversation turned to leads. Now, Mike uses lead generation effectively because when he gets a lead, he knows exactly what to say. He asked me my thoughts on distributors […]

Vitamins for the Mind – Asking/Belief/Resolve

Vitamins for the Mindby Jim Rohn Asking/Belief/Resolve Asking is the beginning of receiving. Make sure you don’t go to the ocean with a teaspoon. At least take a bucket so the kids won’t laugh at you. There is no better opportunity to receive more than to be thankful for what you already have. Thanksgiving opens […]

Turning your business into a bad investment.

Thanks to Tom Big Al for this wonderful powerful lesson. Turning your business into a bad investment.Imagine spending $50,000 on a new car. That’s quite an investment. Now, imagine that you never bothered to learn how to drive your new car. Your $50,000 now becomes a $50,000 bad investment. For only a few dollars more, […]