“What can you do right now to begin to turn your life around? The very first thing is to start making a list of things to be grateful for.”Joe VitaleAuthor and Speaker
Seven great ways to say good-bye to your boss.
Thank you for even more great headlines from Tom Big Al. Seven great ways to say good-bye to your boss.Great headline, eh? If you don’t capture your prospect’s imagination and attention with a great first sentence or headline … you don’t have a prospect. Always think hard about what your first sentence will be. Your […]
What to do when you have lousy upline support.
What to do when you have lousy upline support. Most leaders are sponsored by someone who isn’t a leader. Interesting, eh? That means that if we want to be a leader, chances are that we won’t have much upline support. If we do get any upline support, just consider that as a lucky break. Also, […]
Second place is for losers.
Second place is for losers.When prospecting, make sure you come in first place. If you come in second place, you starve. Your competition will get your prospects’ money and attention. Top prospectors know something that amateur prospectors don’t. What is it? Top prospectors know that prospects really don’t understand all the information and facts. They […]