“Don’t waste your life as a commuter!”

“Don’t waste your life as a commuter!”Great headline, eh? If you don’t capture your prospect’s imagination and attention with a great first sentence or headline … you don’t have a prospect. Always think hard about what your first sentence will be. Your career depends on it. And now for some examples: * “Health today … […]

Forget those tiny prospecting buttons.

Forget those tiny prospecting buttons.Why settle for those little prospecting buttons that read: “Lose 10 lbs. in 10 days.”“Free long distance forever.”“Get an extra paycheck – ask me how.” Instead, think big, really big. How about embroidering or creating custom shirts for your team? Imagine the entire back of the shirt with these messages: Lose15poundsin15days.comNoCostLongDistanceForever.comQuitThatDeadEndJob.com […]