“You find yourself refreshed by the presence of cheerful people. Why not make an honest effort to confer that pleasure on others? Half the battle is gained if you never allow youself to say anything gloomy.”Julia Child1912-2004, Chef, Author and Television Personality
From Big Al: Part #3 – The top 800+ Headlines & First Sentences
Wow some amazing headlines from Tom Big Al, just lovely. Club Only! College costs are unbelievable and still going up each year at the rate of 6 to 8 percent. Do you have a plan in place to take care of this event for your child? Would you both invest 30 minutes of your time […]
Healthy Fear by Zig Ziglar
Healthy Fear by Zig Ziglar There really is “healthy fear.” For example, it’s very healthy to fear drinking before you drive. However, fear should not be allowed to run rampant through our lives so that it becomes such a devastating factor that it produces failure. The problem is not getting rid of fear, but using […]