top 10 financial lessons made building a business

  1. No matter what you will always lose some money – that is how you learn.
  2. Learn valid expenses – eg marketing, phone, advertising,
  3. Build the business into a asset that brings in its income rather than constantly spending money on it. You don’t always have to be present and the income keeps coming in.
  4. Be passionate about your product – you can not sell the product if you aren’t passionate about it and what it does.
  5. Stop letting the naysayers tell you that you are spending too much on product. No matter what everyone believes they are right in their opinion.
  6. Growth is part of the journey. Financial and personal development growth too. Some times we have to learn to keep good accounts etc.
  7. Family may not understand the business or it’s expenses. How you are building your business to. They may not support financial too. They may knock its expenses saying it’s costing too much but be unable to understand the expenses are deductions on taxes.
  8. Find a group of people who want what You have to offer.
  9. Work a business which you can afford to be working whist it builds. It will take time to build a huge financial asset. Listen to those who have built a good business asset.
  10. Keep investing in the business and yourself to grow more.
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