๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜€โค Big companies want to drag You down

Big companies want to drag You down

Iโ€™ve worked for a number of big companies where it was common place for a culture of bullying and dragging You down to their level. With comments and remarks that are intended to make You feel wrong for being Yourself. You feel like all You are is just a number and a slave to those companies.

Remarks like Stop giving me a heart attack or Youโ€™ve taken too much sick leave I suggest looking for another role today is going down as annual leave. Ok itโ€™s who I am that I have spent years sick or injured even years finding what was able to do whist building a empire. The previous comment comes back to having had a shoulder injury which needed 2 weeks off work and another 4 restricted duties. Unfortunately You have those who really are unhappy to accept Your health as a person.

There are those big dogs who are only concerned about the business to them You are a number. When the situation goes ary they will react poorly. Some companies have those who are more accepting of You and Your family situation or who You are.

Acceptance is a big area especially when parents alternate care of a child. In a way itโ€™s also those smaller companies which accept You, itโ€™s also those caring people who really are accepting of the situation. In life Your gonna find those who those loving supportive friends who want You to succeed.

Sometimes itโ€™s best working for those who are prepared to accept the situation at hand and work from there. Having had limited mobility since was 17 itโ€™s been a battle that thereโ€™s been those who accept Your health challenges and are happy to do what they can to help and those who never would give a stuff at all.

There will always be those who want to help You succeed and those who want to only achieve their goals and dreams. They are easily noted, you get those who also live their lives in fear. They are often the ones who want to pull You down to stop You from growing as a person.

Its up to us if we let those companies and those livingin fear run our lives.

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