How Desperate Are You?

Are you so desperate you’ll recruit anybody who can fog a mirror?
First, your prospects can smell desperation. You can’t hide it from them, and the good ones will avoid you like the plague.
Second, network marketing is about relationships, not selling. People feel it when you treat them as a number. When you have to build that dream for somebody all by yourself, with very limited help from them, you will spend ALL your time trying to build them a dream.
Be selective about who you want in your business. My mentor, Tom “Big Al” Schreiter, once told me never to sign up someone unless it was a person who I’d want to go on a one-month cruise with. THAT is a very good standard for you. Keep that benchmark in mind each time you talk to prospects. Then you’ll recruit the right people.
Nothing drains your energy faster than trying to help an unmotivated person build a business. Life is just too short to waste all that effort.
To Your Success,
Ben Drake
“Be A Mentor With A Servant’s Heart!”
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