Through own life there have been a number of times when the sixth sense has come in useful and been used without even being aware. Recently even walking into a business meeting with raffle and being told to get two as was going to win the main door prize. At the end of the meeting yes did such. The prize was what needed at that point.
Another occasion was before meeting Jenny and hearing regularly that the next woman met would be own wife and yes that occurred. Twins again there has to be some belief behind such that we are both picking up on having twins all can say is that we are in sync and at times will sense what the other has to say.
The principles within the book think and grow rich were what assisted within own life to achieve the writing of a story yet I was unaware of doing such. Now its time to go back to writing such, the sixth sense has also said recently during a business meeting that is the missing peace to what was looking for with own health. That was what needed the product is on order and I am looking forwards to seeing the results that happen.
Thank You to Michael and Linda Dlouhy, Ken Klemm, Brian Readding, Suzanne Douglass for Your ongoing inspiration guidance and love, Your ongoing support. To the most amazing wife could ask for Jenny Drake thank You for being that amazing beautiful wonderful wife with Your heart of gold.
Have a wonderful day, Big hugs,
Ben Drake
West Ryde Sydney NSW Australia