Faith how badly do You believe You deserve

Augustine-Christian-Quote-FaithFaith how badly do You believe You deserve what You are working towards as Your major goal in life or even within your business. Recently Jenny and I have been looking for a new home which would be around ½ way between both our works and cheaper. We were looking for a 2 bedroom home which would mean that we’d have a room for kids.

It took a number of weeks and despite hearing from others their fears, it required remaining strong and constant looking for a place where we could move to. It has become the same with a number of other areas within own life, at times when have spoken about a dream or a desire to do such it would often turn out that the person who was speaking to would be unsupportive of such and they would give a whole list of reasons for stoping its achievement. Stuff like do You know how much work is needed to do that, it’s a big project. That’s the times when you need to have faith and believe that you are going achieve that which You have set as major goal or aim right at that point.

For Jenny and myself it took weeks of searching at faithproperties to find the place which would be happy to accept us, it also took a lot of belief that we would be moving to a two bedroom place which would be wonderful for us. Monday we were called and advised that they were looking at our application for one of the properties which Jenny had seen on the weekend and advised we’d have an answer on Tuesday. Tuesday morning we received a call from an agent who had originally said no and advised that we could have that property. Advising of the situation I advised that we would have to let him know that day owing to expecting a call back from the other agent.

Later that morning we received a phone call from the agent who had called the previous day advising that we had been approved for the house. We have taken the place and are moving on 6 Feb. Had we listened to those who were throwing their bricks at us we would of thWDY6B3NIstopped right in our tracks and may have been unable to move before we intended too. We were determined to move on a date at the end of the lease and remained firm with such, rather than listening to ones who had to have their say on the matter and knew nothing about what was going on.

At times your own faith and belief within yourself, your company, your goal will be tested to see how determined you are to do such. Just as recently we paid for the trip to Florida and Hawaii in May / June for our Honeymoon however we had to find the rest of the funds to pay for such. We knew we were going and we were going to pay for such no matter what, it took being determined and believing we were going to do such.

thE1BGWFWXWhen someone has their heart set on a goal and believes they can do such, they refuse to stop even when others are throwing their puke at that person. That is the faith that we all need to achieve our goals, just as I am needing to build to the level of Diamond, just as I am needing to be that father, just as I am needing to be that husband. It was that faith that even allowed the belief that the next woman met would be own wife and that dream came true. It just took a lot of work and patience to achieve such, just as the other dreams have aswell that have managed to achieve.

Thank You to Michael Dlouhy, Ken Klemm for your own ongoing support, love, acceptance and being willing to assist as need. To the fantastic friends who have within own life, thank you for being such wonderful people, you guys are the best, to the amazing wonderful mental cleanse participants thank you for your inspiring lessons. Finally thank you to Jenny Drake for being that rock who can talk with about own goals and dreams, yet is also the most loving woman I know. I love you so much Babe.

Wishing you all a wonderful day, a big hug, a life full of love, abundant success.

Ben Drake

Mona Vale NSW Australia
