The sixth sense will advise us of opportunities

The sixth sense will advise us of opportunities to embrace opportunities such as it has within own life. The sixth sense has advised many times of an opportunity which is waiting and what to do.

Recently I was even made aware that I wasn’t needed that day at work and would hear from work before leaving for work for the day. It was that day, was its own brain picking up on the brains of others saying ok he’s got enough hours for the week lets cancel his shift. I believe so, there have been many times when will sit there with an idea suddenly just coming to mind or a thought.

A person is often picking up on these thoughts despite the distances from the person releasing that thought. Even when was going to propose to Jenny she was well aware that it was coming yet had no idea when I would be asking her the question to be own wife. Again the sixth sense was telling Jenny that it was coming.

Thank you to Michael Dlouhy and Ken Klemm for your inspiration, love, guidance and support, to the amazing Jenny Drake for your own love support and acceptance. To the amazing mental cleanse participants for your own inspirational lessons Thank You so much.

Wishing you all abundant love, a life full of health, happiness, success and a huge hug

Ben Drake

Mona Vale Sydney NSW Australia

You can do this also and create a brand new you and life that you want through personal development and becoming a beta person.

You Can Do This Also and You Can Create A Brand New You,
Learn to create that life of Your Dreams
Wishing you the best in health and love and big hugs
Jenny and Ben
Mentors with a servants heart
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