what are your thoughts saying, what are you constantly saying to yourself????

what are your thoughts saying, what are you constantly saying to yourself???? personally I am constantly suggesting to self about having beta health and that I am healthy. life has taught that I am needing such in order to achieve own goal, what that means is listing to the successful people who have achieved their health.

the suggestion that I am healthy has been a part of self for many years, and its what keep on working towards regularly. recently even when working almost full time hours has shown that I am just going to keep on going with own health and refuse to give up. there is no other choice being aware of the consequences and realizing that I am wanting to experience life with own family that means taking care of own health at the same time.

what that means attending the gym, eating healthy and being the healthiest I am able to be. no matter what I am going to have own health.

A big thank you to Michael Dlouhy, Ken Klemm and Willena Flewelling for your own love guidance and inspiration, thank you to the loving Jenny Harper for your own love and being there prersonally. I love you so much hun, thanks to the inspiring mental cleanse participants for your inspiring lessons.

Wishing you all abundant success, a life full of love, a huge hug and a life full of health,

Ben Drake

Mona Vale Sydney NSW Australia

Wishing you the best in health and love and big hugs

Jenny and Ben

This lesson plan was inspired by chapter 4 auto suggestion from think and grow rich the 30 day mental cleanse.

You can participate in the 30 day mental cleanse at http://www.30daycleanse.com

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