wow I am needing to use the emotional energy from Jenny

wow I am needing to use the emotional energy from Jenny within own life or even another subject which happened to get me personally emotional. at times when having been asked a question about own health I will quickly close own eyes to allow the emotion which felt to connect with self. yet for ages such made no sense. even at times people would say are you ok, yet it was because of connecting with the emotions associated with the matter.

I am needing to remember that own grandmother who loved so dearly and always spent time with us no matter what lives on within own memories that she is always going to be here with me personally and that she would be proud to see what have done with own life. own grandmother passed on to allow the love which Jenny had to come into own life.

we are needing to use that emotional energy which comes from a person weather it’s a relative who is long gone or current within our own business.

a huge thank you to Michael Dlouhy for your inserpation, guidance, love, support and encouragement. To Ken Klemm thank you for being that amazing mentor, friend, guide, being willing to answer questions, to Willena Flewelling thank you for your own inspiration guidance and love. To Shelly Bishop thank you for introducing me to mentoring for free which has impacted own life. I love you all so much.

to Brian Redding thank you for your ongoing encouraging words on the calls. to the mental cleanse participants thank you for your wonderful inspiring lessons which continue to inspire me. I love you all aswell.

to my amazing wonderful inlaws David and Raewyn thank you for your own love, guidance and support, being the best inlaws could ask for, Matt and Kym thanks for being the wonderful brother and sister in law could ask for. the own grandparents who live on within own memories thank you for being there for us growing up. I love you all

To the ever amazing wonderful Jenny Harper (soon to be Drake) thank you for your ongoing, love support, encouragement, being the most loving woman who I know, yet also being the one who has left a lasting impression on own heart which others are able to see, thank you for saying yes so many times and being the rock which needed. I love you so much hun,

Wishing you all abundant health, a life full of love, abundant success and a huge hug, I love you all.

Ben Drake

Mona Vale Sydney NSW Australia

Wishing you the best in health and love and big hugs

Jenny and Ben

This lesson plan was inspired by chapter 11 the mystery of sex transmutation from think and grow rich the 30 day mental cleanse.

You can participate in the 30 day mental cleanse at

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