the sixth sense allows us to communicate when we are highly emotional

the sixth sense allows us to communicate when we are highly emotional using all the emotions from the positive sources, yet when we have to remove those negative emotions which may be inside our own minds, we need to conquer our fears which are only ghosts and unable to hurt us. having the confidence that we can succeed in our chosen company.

recently I attended a job interview for a new position which is an amusement park, going into the interview having the knowledge that own customer service skills were a lot yet there was so much more experience with such as well. at the interview I projected own confidence and was saying that could do the job in the days afterward. later that week finding out that had got the position which was seeking at that time.

during the interview there was a point where had just finished answering a question from the interviewer and turned around asking own question. being totally unaware that the next part of the interview was are their any questions that you have. I am now seeing that our brains were in sync and that we were communicating at the same level when it came to own turn to ask questions although I was unaware it had been transmitted to own subconscious mind and I asked a question about wearing skins which know that need to wear when I am cold or have muscle issues. which leaves myself being unable to function with spasms.

had it not been that own brain was running from the self talk had been doing and confident of being able to do the role which was being interviewed for then that question may have been left alone. yet I am now understanding that own brain was using the sixth sense when was able to get the number of fingers infront of own face whist being blindfolded. It was being transmitted and I managed to pick up on those thoughts despite being unaware of such.

thank you to Michael Dlouhy, Ken Klemm, Willena Flewelling and Brian Redding for your inspiration guidance and support. To Shelly Bishop thank you for introducing me to mentoring for free, thank you to the wonderful amazing participents of the mental cleanse whos lesson’s and comments inspire me and give so much valuable insight.

thank you to my own family who have taught many invaluable lessons, to own inlaws David and Raewyn for your own support, love, guidance and being willing to assist as you can, thank you to Matt and Kym for your own love as own brother and sister inlaw. thank you to own grandparents for your own love which you gave as a child, a big thank you to Jenny Harper soon to be Drake for your ongoing love, support, encouragement, hugs, being there no matter what even when its rough. you are the best beautiful and I love you for who you are as a person.

wishing everyone abundant success, a life full of love, a huge hug and abundant health

Ben Drake

Mona Vale Sydney NSW Australia

Wishing you the best in health and love and big hugs

Jenny and Ben

This lesson plan was inspired by chapter 14 the sixth sense from think and grow rich the 30 day mental cleanse.

You can participate in the 30 day mental cleanse at

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