have you ever had thoughts about a friend calling or messaging them

have you ever had thoughts about a friend calling or messaging them and they go I was just thinking about you. you have picked up on that emotional connection which the pair of you have as a person. it can be easy to pick up on a persons emotional level when your brains are in tune that they send you a message and you can feel their emotions coming through that message.

as napoleon quotes within this chapter “when our brains are stimulated ‘speed up’ to a high rate of vibration, the mind becomes more receptive to the vibration of thought which reaches it through the ether from outside sources” this is what happens when we are thinking about someone and they call or we call them. its what happens when our messages show our emotions no matter which form of communication we may use with someone. those messages and emotions are ultimately coming through the communication medium we have chosen to use.

we have already learnt of emotional energy from chapter 11 and we are needing to use that emotional energy daily within our own business and communications weather its phone, face to face, online, email or other means. our emotions come through all the time; in recent months there have been messages which come through and you can feel the persons strong emotions projected in that communication. such has allowed to realize who supports what I am doing and who doesn’t.

we are needing to use that good emotional energy in our own lives to receive what we are asking for. personally own strongest emotional memory is the first hug with Jenny. now when our brains pick up on the vibration of though from others they project onto others, which makes sense that when was going to propose to Jenny and had been going to do for a while yet didn’t have the opportunity to do such yet Jenny had been expecting such, also her family. the thoughts of proposing to Jenny were being transferred to Jenny without even realizing such.

that’s the power of own thoughts , even our brains that we can pick up on someone who we are emotionally attached to their emotions as a person and the emotions that they are feeling at that point in time no matter what the distance. when our emotions are sped up we can even pick up that emotion from someone new.

thank you to Michael Dlouhy for your ongoing love, support, encouragement, being there as a mentor with a servants heart. thank you to ken Klemm for your own guidance, love, love support and being willing to answer questions no matter what they are, thank you to Willena Flewelling for your own guidance, love and support. thank you to Brian Redding for your own input and willingness to answer questions and assist as you can.

thank you to Shelly Bishop for introducing me to mentoring for free with such a life changing experience, thank you to all the people who submit and write their brilliant lessons regularly. thank you to all the people who have taught me lessons and pointed me in the direction needed to go as a person.

thank you to own grandparents for your own love growing up, being willing to be there as needed you, those fantastic hugs you gave granny and the loving people who you both were. to own parents thank you for teaching those lessons needed. to the wonderful brother and sister inlaw Matt and Kym thanks for being such loving people, to the most amazing inlaws could ask for David and Raewyn thanks for raising such an amazing wonderful loving woman with Jenny, yet also for being so willing to accept who i was as a person and willing to do what you could to assist.

thank you to the amazing loving Jenny Harper (soon to be Drake), for your own love, support, encouragement and being willing to talk about ideas and what we can do, your fantastic hugs as well. seeing you blossom and grow has been the best part of all, I love you so much hun. I love you all so much

wishing you all every success, the best in life, love health and happiness and a huge hug

Ben Drake

Mona Vale Sydney NSW Australia

Wishing you the best in health and love and big hugs

Jenny and Ben

This lesson plan was inspired by chapter 13 the brain from think and grow rich the 30 day mental cleanse.

You can participate in the 30 day mental cleanse at http://www.30daycleanse.com

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