we can learn a lesson from the story of Kate Smith and her mastering Broadway that we are needing to conquer our own Broadway within network marketing. we are being tested to see weather we have the persistence to continue on despite our many failures. for many years I was personally tested to see how persistent I was at getting married, even tested to see how persistent I was to have own health, I am being tested as to how badly I am wanting own kids.
when I was a teen I can remember nervously asking some girls if they would like to go out, yet I managed to do such. after such and finding no luck finding someone as was meeting the people who were uninterested in what was working to achieve. I moved to online dating even went on blind dates a lot of the time would meet someone and it would flop, being unaware of what was wrong yet was just meeting the wrong people. those that were unable to understand who I was a person and own determination to achieve the goals had set to achieve.
at times its been just staying the course and being persistent to achieve the goal. switching off to those who may have an opinion going I am going to do such. persistence as Napoleon Hill states is having the courage to keep on keeping on until Broadway gets tired of turning you away. it takes courage to go against our family and friends with their health habits and to start eating healthier, even when others are standing there saying “healthy, I don’t do healthy!”. we are needing to have the courage to stand there and say this is how I am choosing to live. this is where our why comes in handy, when we have a powerful why as Michael Dlouhy says in success in 10 steps it will keep us going despite all the opposition and opinions from others.
what am personally working for is that beta family life as a person, to be able to be there and have a beta relationship with own kids as I am loving own family so much. remembering back to own grandmother who passed on a number of years ago that she would be proud of what had achieved and become, she’s still here within own heart and life. everyday I am missing her, her photo sits beside own head on the bed at night. yet she is still here within own heart and memories of her as a person.
even as jenny and self are wanting kids of own, there have been many times when have needed to have persistence when dealing with what has come own way at times. through having to say ok lets look at starting a family after the next medical appointment and allowing us to say lets work towards that date and get such done. there have been many challenges with wanting to build own family and have own kids yet that has kept self going.
I am refusing to give up on having own kids, there will always be a way and I am going to make that happen just as own health and travel and the business. I am going to make such happen, the health is needed to allow self to be able to be that father and husband to jenny who can do anything he wants with his kids, the travel allowing self to be able to show own kids a world, whist always being the best husband can be to jenny.
without persistence it will be only a dream.
thank you to Michael Dlouhy for your wonderful inspirational guidance, love, support, encouragement. to Ken Klemm for your own mentoring, guidance, love, support and encouragement for being there when need you and teaching many valuable lessons, helping me to believe within myself again. to Willena Flewelling thank you for your own guidance, love and support which has been invaluable. to Shelly Bishop thank you for being the one who introduced me to mff.
to own parents thank you for teaching me those lessons needed, to own grandparents thanks for your ongoing love and teaching me what you did, to David and Raewyn the best inlaws could ask for thank you for all your support, love and assistance you have always given so willingly. to the amazing Jenny Harper – soon to be Drake thank you for your ongoing love, support, acceptance, listening, being there through every area, having own back when need such and being willing to do such, thank you for who you are as a person and being that accepting woman who is the best could ask for.
finally to the amazing mental cleanse participants, thanks so much for your ongoing inspiring lessons which inspire me regularly.
wishing you all abundant success, a life full of love, abundant health and a huge hug,
Ben Drake,
Mona Vale Sydney NSW Australia
Wishing you the best in health and love and big hugs
Jenny and Ben
This lesson plan was inspired by chapter from think and grow rich the 30 day mental cleanse.
You can participate in the 30 day mental cleanse at http://www.30daycleanse.com
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