chapter 13 the brain

lately Jenny and myself have been discussing names for our future kids, talking about what names would use for the kids. a number of them have been girl names, the names have often just come as a thought and we have discussed that name with one and other. our brains are picking up on those people who are also looking at kids names and when one is suggested we are talking about such.

having seen the mastermind and brain at work to look at names before our wedding, right now as we are putting the finishing touches on the wedding and doing preparation work we are preparing for the next area of our lives. today having seen such in action going to the florist to discuss the flowers for the wedding and just chatting saying this is what we are looking for how are you able to assist.

in the end we have got what we were looking for at a wonderful price from someone who said yes I am able to do such. it was the same with the wedding cake knowing what we both wanted and saying this is what we want can you make that work and finding someone who said yes and it was done. being determined to achieve such and design our dream wedding has taken persistence and wanting to do such, the planning of a wedding and using others input within a mastermind and listening when that voice called the sixth sense says do such.

our brains will either pickup on the positive vibrations or the negative vibrations which we feed them. when we feed them positive vibrations then such comes back in wonderful ways, at times you may be unable to explain what is happening and why yet was meant to happen. at times you seem to get back that positive energy in many ways which have seen happen today at the florist going in and chatting and getting a number of free flowers as a gift.

a special thank you to Michael Dlouhy and Ken Klemm for your inspiration guidance love support encouragement and believing within me until I was able to believe within myself. thank you the amazing Willena Flewelling for your guidance, love and support. to Shelly bishop for introducing me to mentoring for free thank you so much. to the amazing jenny harper with her heart of gold thank you babe you are the best most beautiful woman. to the amazing mental cleanse participants thank you for your inspiring lessons.

Wishing you all abundant success, a life full of love, health and life and a huge hug

Ben Drake

Mona Vale Sydney NSW Australia

Wishing you the best in health and love and big hugs

Jenny and Ben

This lesson plan was inspired by chapter from think and grow rich the 30 day mental cleanse.

You can participate in the 30 day mental cleanse at

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