we must use our own emotional energy

we must use our own emotional energy which we have within our daily lives to build our business. I am needing to use that emotional energy which have for Jenny using such to build that business to allow. using the energy and emotion have to build that life for both of us.

allowing us to have kids of our own, yet to also have a debt free life. to also be able to travel the world and see the world. I am needing to take that emotional energy when it’s so strong and use such to build our business. at the same time using own creative energy to build such which have seen a lot of.

those who have loved and that have died or moved on I am needing to remember that they allowed for a even grater love which Jenny had. I am needing to use own love energy for Jenny within daily life and business regularly. starting off with the plans needed, the desire to go to USA and Canada for our honey moon. yet also at desire to get married on a lovely sunny day on the mona vale headland, dancing the night away with Jenny locally.

a big thank you to my amazing wonderful friend and mentors Michael Dlouhy and Ken Klemm with your inspiration guidence love, understanding and belief within myself until I was able to believe within myself. thank you also to Willena Flewelling for your love guidence and support. Also to the mental cleanse participants for your wonderful inspirational lessons.

Finally a huge thank you to Jenny Harper my fiancé, love of own life, a wonderful loving beautiful, amazing, kind, awesome, sweet, pretty, fun, loved, special woman with a heart of gold for her love and acceptance and understanding.

I love you all,

wishing you all abundant success, life, love, health and a massive hug

Ben Drake

Mona Vale Sydney NSW Australia

Wishing you the best in health and love and big hugs

Jenny and Ben

This lesson plan was inspired by chapter 11 the mystery of sex transmutation from think and grow rich the 30 day mental cleanse.

You can participate in the 30 day mental cleanse at http://www.30daycleanse.com

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