your opinion is your opinion. I have my own of who I am as a person.
one of the toughest lessons had to learn was that others opinions was just their opinion that it was not a reflection of who I was as a person. as a rule of thumb it was normally the way that person saw things in their own world. yet I would take on board the persons thinking as I was so unsure of own thoughts on the subject and unable to express self.
for years I was exceptionally conflicted owing to others opinions being forced on me, whist then taking their opinion as fact. I was unable to determine truth from reality, however a lot of what that person said was about them, often they were talking about themselves and forcing that onto the person. they would say you look gaunt in relation to them having issues with their weight because they were still unhappy about their weight as a person. it took a number of years to be able to realise, hey no that is your reality!!!! its not what I personally believe; that was where the conflict came into play that wasn’t aware of what truly believed in as a person and what stood for. also I was letting others step on own beliefs as a person, that they would stomp out what believed in as a person. which at that point I was unaware of and unable to speak up and say.
you may also see someone make a joke about what a person is doing just to be funny, it can be a test for someone to see how far they have grown as a person. Yet part of what needed to learn was that others opinions were not who I was as a person. one of own siblings brought a tee shirt which has a model train proposed plan running all over a house. through the kitchen etc now i wear that with pride, yet to them it was joke. last time wore that shirt to a train club function there were many compliments saying hey I really like that shirt.
often people attempt to pull you backwards and down owing to them being unhappy about something within their own lives. they may say something completely negative and unless you are on guard then you let such through, for years unfortunately I failed to do such owing to being unaware of how to own my own mind. that really held me back for many years as was listening to their false programming as a person.
you see someone may make a comment about the front door lock of the house playing up and unless you are on guard that can go right straight into your programming. someone may call a dog a bad yet he’s really good in own opinion and thoughts. sometimes own opinions can differ entirely from everyone else’s, such as someone saying something you are doing is wired. yet its wired compared to what????, it may be that you may be unprepared to say affirmations or self talk in public or may not believe in such. yet it really doesn’t mean that everyone else has to follow your own thoughts about such.
when at the gym recently after own workout stood there doing own affirmations and someone asked what was doing told them and explained what self talk was. yet all they knew was it was wired, that was to them. there were two choices there either listen to the person who appeared wasn’t prepared to understand the affirmations or self talk as a person or just let it go. everyone has something wired that they do, heck its what makes us unique as a person. it makes you who you are, listening to others opinions on what you need to do yes take them on board, yet what is the person agenda or motive. are they wanting to have a joke with you or are they unable to understand what it is about.
there have been people who were unable to understand who was a person, that I would cook as a person, they expected others would. at times it comes down to someone already having already judged who you are as person, yet they are really unable to accept the real you on the inside. at home cooking is generally done as a couple the both of us Jenny and myself, cleaning is the same as a team. yet there are people who just are unable to grasp that concept its who they are. I have known people who yell at you to shut up for just starting to state your own opinion they don’t want to hear what you have to say and expect that its there way. it is who they are!!!! as a person.
some people will expect that you are silent and expect silence from everyone around them even in a gym when everyone is working out. its who they are you have to learn that such is life, some people’s opinions of themselves is that they are unreliable and such they remain such. they repeat such back to themselves and so it becomes their reality. a persons opinion on anything is their own opinion and you need to accept that someone else may well differ from yours. yet when you go out there getting annoyed owing to others being unprepared to listen to your opinion are you listening to theirs????
yes there are people who have good and bad ideas, in life we have to learn to sift through and find those people who have good opinions and bad ones. such as own platies instructor who says am doing well, that is when a person grows. yet when you constantly hear someone putting you down or criticism it makes you shrink as a person. sometimes we are needing to become that person who forms our own opinions and sticks by them even through another’s issues. when we are firm on our beliefs then such comes through and we are unable to be deterred.
Wishing you the best in health and love and big hugs
Jenny and Ben
Mentors with a servants heart
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