whatever a person desires and thinks about most comes to reality.

whatever a person desires and thinks about most comes to reality. that is personally a family of own, for years that had been own personal desire for many years. from getting married to starting to have own kids, its been a work in progress for many years. working on becoming that father and parent who I was destined to be, for years having been in the process of honing what skills were needed for own future.

part of that dream is owning own home and being able to spend time with wife and kids as please. allowing own kids to have a father within their lives, yet also allowing own family to experience the world and to travel. I know that this all starts with planning own wedding with Jenny on that lovely sunny 22 nd November getting those wonderful photos and celebrating with own family and friends.

after that its having our own kids and starting down that road, a road which had dreamed of for so long. getting married sat within own heart for so long, now I see such coming into reality.

Thank you so much to the amazing Michael Dlouhy, Ken Klemm and Willena Flewelling for you amazing support, encouragement, love, understanding and believing within myself. Thank you to the wonderful inspiring mental cleanse participants for your love and inspiring lessons. finally a big thank you to the ever amazing, beautiful, outstanding, wonderful, loving Jenny Harper who supports me in so many ways and loves me for who I am as a person.

wishing you all abundant success, love, life, health and a huge hug

Ben Drake

Mona Vale Sydney NSW Australia

You can participate in the 30 day mental cleanse at http://www.30daycleanse.com

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