chapter 14 the sixth sense

this afternoon whist was in a meeting and the subject was about health and expressed that was unsure what would cause own family to want to change their health the answer came to me as a thunderbolt, the answer that came back to was “my own brother has to have a major health scare before the family will do anything at all about their health. right now I am powerless to do anything at all to assist them”.

I have handed such over that it is what must happen, despite the family having seen own health change it is their choice to remain on the path they are on. they remain on the sidelines despite having seen so many changes happen, another big aha moment that came during the meeting was that we’ve grown apart. I am now wiser and have grown whist they have declined, we’ve been two different worlds for years.

I believe that the sixth sense was advising me that such was needing to happen before the others within own family will finally get such. over the years there have been many times when I have been made aware to call someone when someone needs to a friend. at times it results in how do you do that from the person usally it’s the sixth sense at work.

one time all was given was a colleauges daughters name and called them yet was unable to raise the person leaving a message. only later finding out that the daughter had been in an accident, a little after had rung them, yet they had not received the message that left to call back. again the sixth sense at work, we may get told of an event in order to stop such. yet be unaware of what can do, also be unable to contact that person for some reason.

a big thank you to Michael Dlouhy and Ken Klemm for your inspiration, guidance, love, support, encouragement, belief within me until I was able to believe within myself again. thank you also to Willena Flewelling for your support and assistance and guidance as needed. to the mental cleanse participants thank you for your inspiring lessons which continue to inspire me.

thank you to the amazing Jenny Harper for your love, support, encouragement and being there as need you, being the person you are; you are the best.

Ben Drake

Mona Vale Sydney NSW Australia

Wishing you the best in health and love and big hugs

Jenny and Ben

This lesson plan was inspired by chapter from think and grow rich the 30 day mental cleanse.

You can participate in the 30 day mental cleanse at

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