Chapter 12 the subconscious mind

Chapter 12 the subconscious mind

The connecting link

The eleventh step towards riches

Wow this chapter is packed with gems, when we fail to plant within our own subconscious mind our desires we then fall prey to the desires of others who will program our own mind for us. As Michael Dlouhy says mentoring for free is where you learn how to think and not what to think. So we therefore have to learn to program our own subconscious minds using autosuggestion as hill says and counter the negativity within our own lives.

For some of us that means spending less time with people who are dearest to us, Michael has spoken about having to say to his family you are welcome to come over however we are not going to speak about childhood anymore. He valued his own subconscious mind enough and the positive environment that he could say such.

Within own life my own subconscious mind picked up on the desire to be married and the desire to have a family of own. Yes I was projecting such yet wasn’t ready for that road yet, I still had a lot to learn and to find those right people for own life. It took programming own subconscious mind saying that I was in a relationship to draw such into own life. It took repeated self talk to draw such into own life.

The next area that have focused on attracting into own life is to become a black diamond, that will allow the life that want to give Jenny. That will allow us to travel and to take that honey moon which we desire to take which is to Canada for Christmas, to Florida and Hawaii after that. That is own desire and would be a dream come true, recently at a carols in the domain with Jenny over Christmas they imitated snow through bubbles. Later I turned around to Jenny saying when that happened I just wished that it was real. For once I wanted a white Christmas, it is own aim to achieve such this year after get married. (November 2014)

Personally walking down the isle with Jenny in November is a dream come true. Its something that have dreamed of and wanted within own life for so long, now it’s a reality, having drawn such into own life through belief that could do such.

From the bottom own heart I would like to thank my amazing friends and mentors Michael Dlouhy and Ken Klemm for your brilliance, love, support, encouragement and assistance on this journey. For guiding me and believing within me; to Willena Flewelling I would like to thank you for your assistance and guidance also. To the amazing mental cleanse participants and thank you for your inspiring wonderful amazing lessons,

To the amazing beautiful Jenny Harper with her heart of gold thank you for being that amazing support you are. I will love you until death do us part, you are the best most amazing wonderful woman that I know, beautiful, kind, sweet and pretty.

Wishing you all Abundant Success, love, health and life and a massive hug

Ben Drake

Mona Vale Sydney NSW Australia

Wishing you the best in health and love and big hugs

Jenny and Ben

This lesson plan was inspired by chapter from think and grow rich the 30 day mental cleanse.

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