Chapter 10 the power of the mastermind

Chapter 10 the power of the mastermind

The driving force

The nineth step towards riches

The major area that struck me was the need to selective in those who choose to have in own mastermind group. For years I would let those who were talking rubbish or let their fears control them have a say and any dream which had at that point and bang the dream was gone. It would be stored away in the dreams that really desired to be expressed yet felt unsafe to talk about as a person.

I am needing to ensure that the person isn’t using fear to control me and take note of their motive as a person. Has that person achieved what you are looking to achieve as a person, e.g. are talking to someone about buying a new car, when the person doesn’t even drive. Have you aligned yourself with a mentor who has failed to build the business successfully. Yet they have been in business for many years. Are they working towards their own success, is the mentor doing their accountability reports????

Are you listening to someone about controlling your health when they barely take care of their own health. They eat junk food and are a diabetic and their weight is still unhealthy. They barely exercise and really just sit around doing very little. Over the years unfortunately I have managed to find myself within these situations owing to being unaware of the person being the wrong choice to consult in relation to the subject matter at hand. So I am needing to choose the person to consult properly about the subject, turning to someone who knows about health improvement such as they gym or a mentor.

Turing to someone who has built a successful business for advice or the mentoring for free calls for advice on building own business; leaving those people alone who have yet to achieve the desired results alone. Michael Dlouhy stresses all the time that we need to talk to people who have achieved what we want to achieve, that have that relationships. Talk to someone who has built that business rather than someone who is still struggling to build such.

I am responsible for own success which means that I am needing to get around the people who are successful, by getting on the mentoring for free calls. Listening to them as best as can and asking questions when am unsure. As people say the only stupid question happens to be the one that you don’t ask. We all have masterminds for different reasons in our lives and we use them regularly. Weather its for planning a wedding, our business, our family, a model train set or otherwise.

No one is capable of building a business on their own, they may get left alone by a upline. Yet our upline doesn’t control our destiny in business. Their mastermind can help you to bridge this and to build that business, mentoring for free can assist you to bridge that gap. Yet all the work has to be done by yourself; no one controls your own destiny bar yourself. As the previous chapters have said you will be tested to see weather it truly is the goal you seek and weather you are ready.

I would like to thank those people who have taught a number of invaluable lessons over the years in business, relationships and so much more. They have helped to realise who I was meant to be. A huge thank you to Michael and Willena for believing in me until could believe in myself. Thank you to my amazing wonderful mentor Ken Klemm for your brilliance, love, support, encouragement and wisdom.

Thank you to the amazing participants of the mental cleanse for your brilliant lessons which inspire me. Finally thank you to the amazing, wonderful, outstanding, beautiful, pretty and fantastic Jenny for your love, support and encouragement. Assisting me to find myself again and letting me be who I am as a person.

I love you all so much,

Wishing you all abundant health, life and love and massive hug,

Benjamin Mathew Drake

Mona Vale Sydney NSW Australia

Wishing you the best in health and love and big hugs

Jenny and Ben

This lesson plan was inspired by chapter from think and grow rich the 30 day mental cleanse.

You can participate in the 30 day mental cleanse at

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