Chapter 8 Decision–personal lesson

Chapter 8 Decision

The mastery of procrastination

The seventh step towards riches

When we make a decision and commit to such, somehow the universe aligns and says here you go. Just as long as you are prepared to pay the price that is asked for achieving the goal. It must be the price you determined that you would pay for achieving that goal, weather its giving back to the community. A charity or simular, there is always never something for nothing.

Recently during a chat with Jenny it came up saying that there are kids out there without parents at all. What a ahha moment for me, I had always wanted to do fostercare yet I had never really understood what was driving such. It was that wanted to allow kids to have a family of their own that they could live in a loving home. So I have decided its time to walk that road and start being that leader, I spent years looking for Jenny and working on myself for such. Taking one step at a time learning on the run.

Its time to build that home and family with Jenny to allow kids to have that life and that loving family. Now that I have finally understood part of what was to do its time to build such, however I have no idea where to start with this plan or even what needs to be on this plan. So I turn to this wonderful mastermind asking for guidance to work on the plan needed to build that dream home which I am able to create.

Now it is time for that next step to start build that home, although am lost as to what to do next.

Thank you to my amazing mentor Ken Klemm for your brilliant inspiration, guidance, love and support. Believing in me until I was able to believe withing myself, to Michael Dlouhy and Willena Flewelling thank you so much for your support love and guidance. To the mental cleanse community thank you for your inspiring lessons.

To the amazing Jenny Harper, thank you most of all for your love, support and encouragement allowing me to grow as a person.

Wishing you all abundant love, health, life and a massive hug

Benjamin Mathew Drake

Mona Vale Sydney NSW Australia

Wishing you the best in health and love and big hugs

Jenny and Ben

This lesson plan was inspired by chapter from think and grow rich the 30 day mental cleanse.

You can participate in the 30 day mental cleanse at

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