Every area of our lives needs a plan, weather it’s our dream to get married and have our own kids. This has been own dream since was a child, to get married and have own kids; to have own family and to raise that family of own. Jenny and myself have been talking recently a lot about such, yet also that I will be the one who has the kids at home during the week and taking care of them. Taking them to their activities etc. a dream come true.
Yet in order to make that dream come true it means ensuring the income is sufficient that can work from home around the kids. That means planning the business and planning own wedding, making sure that we know what we need for such. Before meeting Jenny I had written down what was looking for in someone. Part of the requirements were great hugger, supportive, understands own abilities, loving and supportive.
I meet Jenny after a few months of reading those requirements regularly and I had amended such a number of times. I meet her after bouncing back on own feet and amending own requirements and just kept on going. After meeting Jenny near the beach I knew she was what was looking for, the rest is history. Now we are in the process of planning our own wedding a day which has been own dream for many years now.
A persons wedding is something where you need to plan every aspect as Michael Dlouhy has said his daughter Amanda took 4 years to plan her own. A wedding will go well with a plan and both people participating in such, yet when people fail to offer their opinion or thoughts it turns out to be frustrating. Yes it can get frustrating from everyone else’s input oh I believe you need to do this, you need to do that. However a wedding is your own special day and it’s your plan.
As for our special day I can see a beautiful sunny day on a local northern headland which is high and overlooks the ocean on two sides, with a light breeze blowing, Jenny looking outstanding and healthy myself looking outstanding and healthy too. As we say our vowels on the headland and then take a few photos at the headland before heading off for more photos on the beach nearby and close to where we live; taking those photos before heading off in the limo to the reception at the local rugby leagues club.
We are in the process of implementing that plan and making such into a wonderful day, the day we both remember for years to come.
Thank you to my amazing mentor Ken Klemm for your amazing guidance, love, support and encouragement. To the amazing Michael Dlouhy and Willena Flewelling thank you also for your love guidance, support and encouragement. For believing in me until I was able to believe within myself.
To the mental cleanse participants thank you for your inspiring lessons every week. Most of all thank you to the fantastic, beautiful, wonderful, amazing Jenny for your love, guidance, support and help when needed it most.
Wishing you abundant health, life, love and a huge hug
Benjamin Mathew Drake
Mona Vale Sydney NSW Australia
Wishing you the best in health and love and big hugs
Jenny and Ben
This lesson plan was inspired by chapter from think and grow rich the 30 day mental cleanse.
You can participate in the 30 day mental cleanse at http://www.30daycleanse.com
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