Whatever a person can imagine happening will occur, as a number of people have stated when someone thinks of something weather they believe it to be true or not is what it is. A person can think something up and make it come true with enough belief within such.
Personally that is that family of wife and kids with foster and adopted kids too. Along with a lovely home, lots of friends, black diamond, finichially free, health under control. It’s a dream that have been striving for a number of years now. I am going to achieve such I am going to be married on 22 November 2014, I will have my first child in august 2015.
I will be a black diamond, I will be driving a blue hilux and jenny will be driving a blue mazda 6, I will build that model train set that has been a work in progress for many years, I will travel the world with friends and family, I will be amazing father, I can pay for our wedding and maintain health whist doing fostercare and adopting kids.
Now is the time to make it all happen its going to need constant reminding and saying that I am going to do such. This is when own voice is firm and I will find a way, a big thank you to my absolutely amazing mentor Ken Klemm, to Michael Dlouhy and Willena flewelling for your inspiration, love, guidance, support, encouragement and belief within me. To the amazing jenny I want to thank you most of all for your support, love and being there.
To the mental cleanse participants thank you for your amazing lessons which continue to inspire me,
Wishing you all abundant health, life, love and a massive hug
Benjamin Mathew Drake
Mona Vale Sydney NSW Australia
Wishing you the best in health and love and big hugs
Jenny and Ben
This lesson plan was inspired by chapter from think and grow rich the 30 day mental cleanse.
You can participate in the 30 day mental cleanse at http://www.30daycleanse.com
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