The medium for influencing the subconscious mind
The third step towards riches
This chapter reminded me about what a person says to themselves and thinks or believes will eventually come to true. However, the person must truly believe that such will happen. As go around planning our wedding with Jenny we are putting in our own creativity into such, through what we are saying we want and how we want such. Again its self-suggestion, for years I had wanted to get married however, I kept pushing people away because of an extreme hurt.
Anyway after breaking up with an ex and starting a new self-talk of “I am joyfully loving myself, I am joyfully in a relationship, I am joyfully giving through mentoring coaching and support, I have everything I need, I am very lovable” Jenny came into own life around 3 months later after starting such, from there I knew that she was meant to be; that she was what was looking for in a life partner which lead to asking her to marry me after 7 months, I just knew it was rite.
Had it not been for suggesting that I had a relationship I would have barely had the confidence to ask Jenny out nor to suggest we meet or even head down the road of getting married? Yet I knew that this was the rite woman and I was glad to meet such a loving understanding woman with a heart of gold, I had sought that relationship for years. However, I had also failed to put in that high-level positive emotion into the mix, which kept the relationship away.
Now it is time to build that business and use a strong self-talk, which know will work personally and to add a high level emotion so it is what gets me emotional. That is joy personally. I must thank Michael Dlouhy, Ken Klemm, Willena Flewelling, Brian Redding and the other fantastic mentors for their guidance love and support. For believing within me until I was able to believe within myself, the amazing mental cleanse participants for their inspirational guidance love and support. To the amazing beautiful, wonderful Jenny with her heart of gold. Thank you for your love and encouragement.
Abundant Love, Health, Life and a huge hug,
Benjamin Mathew Drake
Mona Vale Sydney NSW Australia
Wishing you the best in health and love and big hugs
Jenny and Ben
This lesson plan was inspired by chapter 4 Auto-Suggestion from think and grow rich the 30 day mental cleanse.
You can participate in the 30 day mental cleanse at
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