Chapter 15 how to outwit the six ghosts of fear personal lesson

Chapter 15 How to outwit the 6 ghosts of fear

Take inventory of yourself as you read this closing chapter.

Fear happens to be such a strong emotion which only takes hold within our own minds. There is a battle which we have to face within ourselves and that is to lock up these ghosts of fear. I must lock these ghosts up personally, as Ken Klemm has suggested in his past lessons lock them away, yet we may even need to go as far as throwing away the key to stop them from gaining access to our brains.

We have to learn to let go of those ghosts which are only in our thoughts and programming as a person. It can be from a tv show, a real or an imagined experience even. However most of us let such control our lives, it is important to stop it. The only way we cam is through self talk and getting around those positive people. Leaving the ones who are doom and gloom alone. There are those who will pull you up and inspire you and those who will drag you down to their level. In life you want to be around those who inspire you to be a beta person. At least that’s what I know I want to do….

There is still one basic fear which I need to overcome, that is being physically hurt. For years the conditioning of past has made me quite as a person, I just wasn’t able to be the guy who I knew was there he gave up and shut down. The loving guy who cared, its ruled own life for way to long now. It is time to master such and to let it stop ruling own life. Day by day it has less power over me as I feel safer. To continue to do such means doing self talk regularly and continuing to do such, despite the rubbish going on within own head.

I choose to be that husband, father, mentor and coach. To own family and friends, placing fear aside and daily working on letting such have less grip on who I am. As own wedding approaches jenny and myself must make such happen our way. Those who attempt to take control its their issue, we must show ourselves that we are making that right choice.

As hill states “Thought impules which are picked up from the either, by mere chance (thoughts which have just been released by other minds) may determine ones finanichial, business, professional or social destiny.” How very true that another persons thoughts can be caught by our own mind and we then create such into reality, yet we also do such with our own thoughts too. We must guard our own thoughts from being susceptible to negative influences which are all around us.

“Every human being has the ability to control his own mind” we must learn to control our own thoughts and to admit the thought impules which are favourable to our desired purpose in life. Therefore closing the door to the negative thought impulses which come our way from a varity of sources.

“If you want riches you must refuse to accept any circumstance that leads toward poverty.” In that way we must learn to stop focusing on what is wrong with our lives and focus on what is rite, focus on the positive. It may take work just as it has personally to do such, however you will eventually get there. Yet we must have a powerful self talk and it must resonate with who we are as a person that gets us emotional as a person. What is that emotion for you as a person????, only you know that one…. Personally its joy.

After seeing the fear of poverty run own life for many years owing to many reasons now its time to work on the abundance and to grow such. It has been a journey as a person learning to love myself, to love another aswell to let that love in even when am hurting. For years I was stuck in the programming of needing someone else to make me happy yet it failed to work, then I started doing what I enjoyed and slowly found someone who was happy with what I did as a person.

Mental telepthay is something that has been demonstrated many times when studying chapter 10 on the power of the mastermind from Michael where a image is chosen and provided to a select few people and that image is sent out via thoughts to others as the person thinks about that image. We are all picking up on the other persons thought vibrations all the time. We must find those people who are intune with our own thought habits as a person and are prepared to assist and guide us as a person.

A big thank you to Michael Dlouhy, Willena Flewelling and Ken Klemm for your wonderful amazing inspiring guidance love and support. Helping me to become the person that was meant to be, the father, the husband, the mentor and coach and the friend. A huge thank you to the mental cleanse participants whos lessons continue to inspire me. A huge thanks to the amazing wonderful Jenny with her love and heart of gold.

Wishing you abudnentt love health and a huge hug

Benjamin Mathew Drake

Mona Vale Sydney NSW Australia

Wishing you the best in health and love and big hugs

Jenny and Ben

This lesson plan was inspired by chapter 15 How to outwit the six ghosts of fear from think and grow rich the 30 day mental cleanse.

You can participate in the 30 day mental cleanse at

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