Chapter 14 the sixth sense
The door to the temple of wisdom
The thirteen step towards riches
Ken Klemm refers to the sixth sense as a persons first sense. What we pick up from the world around us comes to us via the sixth sense, however we must remember that our sixth sense can only be heard when our mind is quite. Only then are we able to hear that voice which will guide you through any situation.
I have had a number of instances where have listend to such and people have turned around and said how do you do that. Wonderful timining I just finished such. Today whist saying good morning to friends the reply from own best friend Jackie was short which was unusal, after listening to own sixth sense which said that something was going on. I asked Jackie something says something is going on.
Jackie’s reply was “how do you do that?”. It was easy knowing Jackie too well that a short answer is a sign that something is going on, knowing that the long answers from Jackie and the more communication suggest that everything is alright. Its taken years to build the friendship to the point where I was able to sense such. Yet it also took listening to own sixth sense which suggested something was up.
It also took quietening own mind to be able to hear that inner voice which says you need to call this person or message them.
Thank you to my amazing wonderful mentors Michael Dlouhy, Ken Klemm and Willena Flewelling for your amazing guidance love support encouragement and believing in me until I was able to be that father husband and mentor. Thank you to the amzing mental cleanse participents for your inspiring lessons which continue to inspire me as a person. Thank you to my amazing beautiful loving jenny for your love and support
Wishing you all the best in love, health and a huge hug
Benjamin Mathew Drake
Mona Vale Sydney NSW Australia
Wishing you the best in health and love and big hugs
Jenny and Ben
This lesson plan was inspired by chapter 14 The sixth sense from think and grow rich the 30 day mental cleanse.
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Chapter 14 the sixth sense
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