Chapter 13 = The Brain–Lesson plan

Chapter 13 The brain

The twelth step towards riches

The broadcasting and receiving station for thought

Our brains will pickup on the emotions of others around us as a person, it doesn’t matter weather the person is giving off positive or negative emotions. Our brains will both broadcast and receive the broadcast of other peoples thoughts and emotions. A little after meeting Jenny I was aware that yes she was the one who would get married to and just kept on that path. I had been aware of such for a while and just kept on going about normally as met her friends and family.

Each of them could tell that I was serious about Jenny, in the past I have unfortunately projected something very different. For some reason it was the opposite although I cared about the person it was that to me there was no genuine deep true love for them as a person. It was more a lust, owing to having a deep love of people. Sure they could tell that icared about them, however I was unaware that it was not true love.

My ahaha moment from this chapter is that although I did care about these people it was only the love of friendship. There was nothing more there, a lot of them were the love of friendship. It wasn’t genuine romantic love which was there, for years I’d project the vibrations of being hurt by love and it just kept on coming back to haunt me. I would give own love to people who where incapable of accepting that love which had.

These days I give own love to Jenny and it shows up in own relationship. People say we are a cute cupple, now its taken years to get to such and a lot of work. It meant working on myself until I was truly able to love again and met meeting a kindrid spirit who saught the same thing, which in past relationships was unable to find owing to the persons wants being incompatable with own. After spending years seeking such I finally found that which was broadcasting and looking for as a person.

That one true loving person with her beautiful loving heart, an awesome personality who was able to relate and be there. Who could show me the love of friendship, be that loving partner and learn to understand what was going on. Sure there is still work to go, yet I know that have found that person who am able to build that amazing family with.

As special big thank you to my amazing mentors and friends Michael Dloughy, Willena Flewelling and Ken Klemm for you amazaing inserpation guidance love support encouragement and wisdom, for showing me the path and being there to guide and assist as needed. Answering questions as wanted, assisting me to learn there is no stupid question. That its ok who I am as a person, I am that way for a reason. The spelling, the poor maths, the health, despite all of that there is a person who loves others and does his best.

Thank you to the amazing mental cleanse participents for your awesome inspiring lessons which always inspired me. Thank you to amazing love own life Jenny for your love as a person, loving me just as am. Allowing me to grow and become that husband, father and leader was meant to be.

Wishing you all abundant love health and hugs

Benjamin Mathew Drake

Mona Vale Sydney NSW Australia

Wishing you the best in health and love and big hugs

Jenny and Ben

This lesson plan was inspired by chapter 13 the brain from think and grow rich the 30 day mental cleanse.

You can participate in the 30 day mental cleanse at

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