Chapter 9: Persistence Personal Lesson

Chapter 9: Persistence

When we have a goal, dream or desire in mind and keep on working at it regularly by doing activity to achieve such we will achieve that goal. It makes little difference weather its today, tomorrow or even 10 years from now. We will achieve that goal when we refuse to give up on that goal.

After many years working towards being that best father, husband and partner I met Jenny. It took a number of years of dating and working on creating relationships, learning to create such. Yet also working on myself as a person to get to the point where am now. Yet knowing that deep inside what wanted was a family life which was different from own upbringing. A positive environment, a neauturing environment where I was able to spend time with own kids and even read them a story at bed time.

To be that father who was there for own kids, assisting in the raising of the kids rather than working full time and barely being home. That was what had worked for since was young, saying that I would work on who I was as a person until. That was many years ago, having overcome many obstacles and built that relationship that was seeking. Now it’s time to build it deeper and stronger.

Thank you to Michael Dlouhy, Ken Klemm and Willena Flewelling for you inspirational, loving guidance, love support encouragement and belief. Becoming that father and husband that always wanted to be, thank you to the amazing mental cleanse participents who inspire me with your lessons.

Benjamin Mathew Drake

Mona Vale Sydney NSW Australia

This lesson plan was inspired by chapter 9 Persistence from think and grow rich the 30 day mental cleanse.

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