Chapter 11 the mystery of sex transmutation

Chapter 11 The mystery of sex transmutation

The tenth step towards riches

Emotional Energy…. Our lives are filled with emotional energy throughout them, we display emotions throughout our lives. Sometimes its with excitement, sometimes its with a deep hurt. However we display such to the whole world. A relationship breaksdown and we may feel angry at ourselves as we were unable to realise that person wasn’t able to give you what you were seeking as a person they were unable to offer you the emotional support you really needed. We may get angry at that person as they didn’t have the ability to accept and love you for who you were as a person.

That is the story of own relationships to say the least, anyway there are those who are unable to handle emotions at all. They ridicule a person or make them feel small for displaying any form of emotions, part of own journey has been learning to realise what was true love and what was love that was more caring about a person.

Throughout own life I have always been a very emotional person, however it could be quite destructive and I was unaware of other ways to use own emotions owing to upbrining.

During own youth I was able to write a story which was over 1000 pages, it is still in pieces and there is no desire to pick such back up again rite now. When I was writing it would just flow as sometimes when speaking that it just comes from within, however it wasn’t until the leaders skills call on Monday where Michael Dlouhy mentioned about emotional energy which allows you to even write. That gave me a huge ahha moment answering a question that had been looking for its answer for a while now.

In the past I said to someone I’d lost my muse when writing after sometime, however it was that I’d lost the way to express sexual energy and emotional energy after an embarrassing situation that got into and I was unaware of a way out so shut it all down. I just felt hurt, in a way I was expressing such emotions in own writing and using that energy yet I was unaware of such and let others hurt me as sex was so embarrassing for me. Something that needed to overcome.

These days I will put own love into cooking a meal with Jenny, building own business and just living own life. Sometimes coming up with some interesting combinations for meals with Jenny which work rather well and are very yummy, often they are just a inspiration and it works. I finally found the muse to build the business and do all those creative aspects again, it just took Jenny’s love to be able to do such aswell as the love of her family to be able to connect again with such. Its been a journey and wonderful journey seeing where have come from to what am now. The sky is the limit, knowing that Jenny is the source is assisting me to strive to achieve what am able to do. Building the business and using own imagination which has been going wild lately.

A big thank you to Michael Dlouhy, Ken Klemm and Willena Flewelling for your wonderful inspirational guidance, love support encouragement and believing within me until wasable to do such. For thebelief that I was able to be that which was seeking to be that father husband parent and friend to love jenny and show her a wonderful life a life of our dreams. Thank you to the amazing Jenny for her ongoing love, thank you to the amazing wonderful mental cleanse particpanets for you amazing awesome lessons which inspire me.

Wishing you the best of love and health and a huge hug,

Benjamin Mathew Drake

Mona Vale Sydney NSW Australia

Wishing you the best in health and love and big hugs

Jenny and Ben

This lesson plan was inspired by chapter 11 The mystery of sex transmuation from think and grow rich the 30 day mental cleanse.

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