Knowledge is power–chapter 5 lesson think and grow rich specialized knowledge

Chapter 5 Specialized knowledge

Knowledge is power

Here we learn that there are two different types of knowledge, general and specialized knowledge. Yet a person can gain so much power from the use of specialized knowledge through a mastermind group. They do not necessarily have to possess that knowledge within themselves. As Michael Dlouhy say’s all you have to be is become a professional pointer and point people to where they will find the answers for their questions.

We learn to find ways to many of our questions by refering to the specialized knowledge which others have given us and we are connected to through mentoring for free. We do this by regularly attending the trainings which are provided, the weekly trainings from mentoring for free and our company too. However as Michael Dlouhy has said many times any excuse will do, a person will use that excuse to not do something to not refer to a mastermind or ask a question.

They will use any excuse for not using the knowledge or trainings which are available to them to help them grow their business. They will use an excuse such as its too far, it will cost too much. It will take so many hours to get there blah, blah, blah. They wont even turn up when something is rite at their door step where as someone else will go aslong as they are available to do such. Sometimes the training provided may be just what that person needs to hear.

A few weeks ago I was struggeling to get up at 4:30 am for the leaders skills call, when I heard you need to be on that call your going to learn something today. So got up for the call. Yes there are very valid reasons for being unable to attend a call such as needing to take care of someone who is sick or a drs appointment, however we need to listen to the calls to gain the training we need. Yet it is an idea to atleast listen to the call in some form.

We have an abundance of specialized knowledge with our leaders from mentoring for free that we can go to the mff audios sight and listen to any topic we want to. Which will allow us to build the business we are seeking, we have access to leaders via email, via phone, via skype to get the information we desire. However our simplest job is getting the leads and plugging them into the specialized industry knowledge which is here at mentoring for free.

We may not get an answer rite away, yet when we ask the question for long enough we eventually do find the answer to our question. It sometimes comes from another direction yet we often get the answer we are lookin g for. We must remember that the specialiazed knowledge doesn’t have to be withing our own heads, we can refer people onto the trainings to get the answer. We can refer to anything to find those answers.

Thank you to Michael Dlouhy, Willena Flewelling, Ken Klemm for your amazing awesome wonderful guidance and being wonderful mentors with your love guidance, support, encouragement, faith and wisdom. I love you all, to the wonderful mental cleanse particpants thank you for the inspiring lessons which inspire me to grow as a person.

Abundant love health and hugs

Benjamin Mathew Drake

Mona Vale Sydney NSW Australia

This lesson plan was inspired by chapter 5 Specialized knowledge from think and grow rich the 30 day mental cleanse.

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